On May the 7th I'll cast a vote
And wear my patriotic coat
As earnestly I take the box
In blue and white and red striped socks
And there , my truest cross I'll mark
As every parliamentary shark
Shall tell of all they'll hence achieve
Whilst laughing up a crooked sleeve
I'll think; I'll muse; oft scratch my head
At every lie that each one said
I'll grieve;I'll vex ; As each one gloats
Securing hopeless hollow votes
And then with pencil tight in hand
with grimaced face, I simply stand
And contemplate my empty cup
That none who canvas e'er fill up
And negative though be my frown
I rip it up and fling it down
My voters slip shall not secure
Elitist wasters anymore
For none shall know the peoples will
And all shall lie and cheat until
The British democratic door
Shall slam and folk shall vote no more