Tooth paste

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Tooth paste

Postby Ratliff » Sun Sep 27, 2015 6:37 pm

Buy my books ar

This love affair is like toothpaste.
Each morning a squeeze
Careful brushing and rinsing
Love doled out a dab at a time:
Necessary relationship hygiene

At some point though
No matter how much care you take
Stretching things out inch by inch.
It will run out and then?
Yes it seems empty
Yet you squeeze out a few more days

Don't worry she brought a new tube yesterday

Over time this smile might fade
Should I get a brightening tube?
There is a vain appeal to changing brands
Gels, pastes, strips and bleaches
Mouthwash: so many choices

Don't worry she brought a new tube yesterday

Staying with what we have established
Try to hard not to squeeze out to much
You get excited and make a mess
Now try and put it back
Might as well hang yourself with dental floss

Don't worry she brought a new tube today

Copyright 2015
Richard L Ratliff

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Re: Tooth paste

Postby Stella » Sun Sep 27, 2015 9:41 pm

lol.... just as well "she" knows to get stocked up with many to choose from no wonder you get all excited :lol:

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Re: Tooth paste

Postby Cindy » Thu Oct 01, 2015 5:09 pm

I don't think I ever would have thought to compare a love affair with a tube of toothpaste, but it's a very good comparison. Clever.

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