Song Of The Frogs

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Song Of The Frogs

Postby Cindy » Sat Nov 08, 2014 7:00 pm

The song of the frogs
Filled the bend
Swallowing up brambles
Drenching the glen

Reaching for branches
And dripping off leaves
With effortless spirit
It covered whole trees

Nothing else could be heard
Just the torrent of trillness
Pausing the world
With a pulsing of stillness

Then just one step
One snap slightly noted
An explosion of silence
Left my ears feeling smoted

I waited and listened
But heard not a one
Their song was no more
I'd spoiled their fun

The bottoms were silent
My blunder the cause
I slipped back through the shadows
Only stopping to pause

And was given a scolding
By some humorless crow
Who thought me rude
And thought I should know.

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Re: Song Of The Frogs

Postby Stella » Sat Nov 08, 2014 10:11 pm

Well, that will teach you to tread more

I love the image you create of an indignant crow....

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