2015 - Gift of Lord's Miracles

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Seema Chowdhury
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2015 - Gift of Lord's Miracles

Postby Seema Chowdhury » Sat Dec 26, 2015 5:46 pm

Down the steps and out of the door
Throw away your worries, pain and more
Spread love and kindness in your way
And brighten the sidewalk of life everyday

Warm-up your heart and welcome my dear
Serenity, peace and hope with lots of cheer
And know sun will rise to brighten your way
So never give up or quit look forward today

There may be hazy gleam of fog and mist
But it will soon disappear in love and care's air
So the clouds of darkness will clear the sky
And white light of joy will appear very high

Believe in the gift of miracles of our Dear Lord
Who loves us all very much and help us in odd
And accept life's challenges and know pretty soon
These will disappear in the brightness of the noon

Get ready to welcome with open arms dear
Gift of love and peace in life's everyday layer
And wipe tears of pain and clear mind and heart
To absorb the rays of happiness for it can start

A new day, a new dawn, a new beginning of life
Where joy and peace will every where survive
And will bring you the message of peace and hope
So happiness will in your way broaden its scope

Just throw away the worries, pain and more
Down the steps and out of your heart's door
Spread love and kindness in your own way
And brighten the sidewalk of life everyday

Seema Chowdhury
December 24, 2015

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