2015 - Seek Help With Patience and Prayers

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Seema Chowdhury
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2015 - Seek Help With Patience and Prayers

Postby Seema Chowdhury » Sat Dec 26, 2015 5:50 pm

Seek help with patience and prayers
And ask Merciful God's hands to hold
Be humble in what you do and say
And enter in God's bliss layers and fold

Believe and always do good work
And establish deep connection with the Lord
Ask for His forgiveness, love and peace
And treasure spiritual knowledge of God

Always remember to ask for God's help
And be humble in your acts my dear
Only merciful God can bestow His bliss
And show us meaningful miracles with cheer

Learn true art of living and life on earth
And whisper positive sentiments every day
And as life's learning experiences are compelling
So seek help of God with patience and prayers

Start your journey to search for truth
And look inward for happiness and peace way
And know only God has the ultimate power
To bring your heart and soul at serenity's bay.

Seema Chowdhury
December 26, 2015

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