2016 - Life's Enlightening View

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Seema Chowdhury
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2016 - Life's Enlightening View

Postby Seema Chowdhury » Wed Apr 06, 2016 3:23 pm

Slow down to move over towards peace and solace
If you are unable to cope with adversity and mope
Overcome your fear, doubt and limitations in life
And create your own world with love and hope

Enjoy small and beautiful moments of sedateness
And paddle back quietly to the calm and still side
Because life is not always neat, tidy and serene
So choose a new route in the time of high tide

Say an ardent prayers for peace and tranquility
And wait silently to see the change you ever wish
Be willing to compromise and reflect upon calmly
The unsettled and mingled pattern of life's squish

Catch up with life and follow what is in your heart
Take happiness challenge, simmer down and be steady
Sort things through and deal with tricky situations
Have faith and know it's possible so always be ready

Discover your wings to fly away as life swiftly unfolds
Crow a happy tune in dismal dark and step through
For soon the dawn will break so unwind your worries
Cope with faith, serenity and life's enlightening view.

Have A Blessed Weekend!

Seema Chowdhury
March 5, 2016

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