Best Not Look

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Tom Balch
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Best Not Look

Postby Tom Balch » Wed Sep 07, 2016 10:55 am

When I look back to years long gone
I see it all so clearly,
the things I could not see back then
the things that cost me dearly.

I see the errors of my ways
the paths I should have taken,
I see the signs I missed back then
and regret my lack of vision.

As I look forward at days to come
with eyes so dim and weary,
I see the things that lie ahead
and know they too will cost me dearly.

But as I look at where I am right now
and not look back or forward,
I seem contented with my lot
and there´s nothing need be altered.

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Re: Best Not Look

Postby Stella » Wed Sep 07, 2016 7:13 pm

Hi Tom, i think you are right that as we get older and wiser it is more important to enjoy the moment rather than look back with regrets or forward to uncertainty. A lovely poem which flowed so easily and much enjoyed :)

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Re: Best Not Look

Postby Cindy » Sat Sep 10, 2016 1:05 pm

Wonderful poem. I love the rhythm of it. It's nice to see another of your poems. It's been a while :-).

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Re: Best Not Look

Postby drllrd74 » Thu Oct 06, 2016 1:42 am

Good write Tom. I like the cadence of this poem.

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Re: Best Not Look

Postby Adette » Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:49 pm

Ah yes we can all be guilty of looking back but it's all part of life and who we are and what it makes us. As long as we don't inherit bitterness we have much to be thankful for.
We learn all to late but that is life a learning -pattern. We all make mistakes human nature and now we write about it which is inspiring in itself. Well done my friend an excellent read.

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