Fluttering Autumn Leaves

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Fluttering Autumn Leaves

Postby Stella » Fri Sep 09, 2016 9:05 pm


I am lost in the fluttering of autumn leaves,
the mellow warmth brings contentment
and the music of the their gentle rustle
sings of serenity to my soul.

I dance to the fluttering of autumn leaves
in the magic of their twist and tumble,
and pirouette in antique golden highlights
of dappled September sunshine.

I am enchanted by fluttering autumn leaves
as they playfully kiss and caress my hair,
adorn my shoulders, then slowly fall
to bless the ground on which i walk.

I am lost in the enchanted dance of
fluttering autumn leaves.

© Stella Armour 9 Sept 2016

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Re: Fluttering Autumn Leaves

Postby Cindy » Sat Sep 10, 2016 1:07 pm

Beautiful, Stella. I love autumn, so I enjoyed this very much.

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Re: Fluttering Autumn Leaves

Postby ShelleyA » Tue Sep 13, 2016 7:01 pm

A beautiful write about the 'dance' of autumn leaves. I like the magic and whimsy of this piece. Lovely depth of feeling and a heartfelt and most enjoyable read.

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Re: Fluttering Autumn Leaves

Postby Tom Balch » Thu Sep 15, 2016 9:34 am

A beautiful poem to go with the beautiful image, Stella...

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Re: Fluttering Autumn Leaves

Postby Adette » Mon Oct 10, 2016 1:26 pm

Beautiful picture which captures the spirit of Autumn and as one reads its as if they to are singing to the rustle of the leaves. Loved it

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