Born From A Full Life Run

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Tom Balch
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Born From A Full Life Run

Postby Tom Balch » Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:04 pm

I can see them all
in a magnified mirror,
every line and wrinkle
they all tell a story,
all of them part of my life,
they do not haunt me:
This growing old
is not a worry
in fact it´s quite the opposite,
this aging face
has seen a full life run;
I feel them all,
the aches and pains
the grunts and groans
when bending, lifting,
the twenty-twenty
is now much less,
cataracts are forming;
This frail old frame
and befuddled mind
have travelled far
in miles and time,
but this growing old
it worries me not;

This privilege of age
is a wondrous thing
denied to so many,
so many of my friends
in a younger life;
Yes, I see and feel them all
the lines and the wrinkles,
the aches and the pains,
all born from a full life run;
My friends who died young
would have loved to have lived
and experience theirs now,
having been robbed of
their own full lives run.

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Re: Born From A Full Life Run

Postby Stella » Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:03 pm

Growing old is a privilege denied to many, and you are so right Tom they would not complain about the blurr of cataracts or creaking joints if they could have grown old, especially those who gave their lives that we might live and grow old.
A very meaningful poem skillfully written and a tribute to those we lost along the way ..

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Re: Born From A Full Life Run

Postby Adette » Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:26 pm

Oh can so identiify with this ad indfeed it is a privilage ~ we tread the road learning day by day we have good ones, we have bad but we are here to tell the tale.

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