The sadness of your camouflaged smile
Do you not realise I see beyond the guise
Tears flowing behind soft eyes
A heart now broken by deception and lies
Your heart shattered ~ pierced by his goodbye
No man is worth such sacrifice
The cruelness of his betrayal
Why torture yourself suffer such grief
Broken wedding vows
The heartbreak ~ the cruellest of blows
Temptation her name
She was not going to play the waiting game
She wanted him
So fatal her attraction ~ desperate her needs
She plays her hand
His moment of weakness ~ she would not let go
You gave your heart
Distraught you hide within the open wound
Don’t let it fester
It will cause nothing but bitterness and pain
You are worth
Much more ~ don’t hide yourself away
Trust now broken
There is no turning back ~ let go
Open your heart
Re-kindle its flame ~ to passion not pain
A new path awakens
The past sleeps in memory ~ dream
That special dream is just a kiss away
Listen for its call