Cupids Bow

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Cupids Bow

Postby Adette » Sat Oct 08, 2016 5:09 pm


Walking down lover’s lane
Where memories of my past remain
Carved upon that big old tree
Cupids bow for Jim and me
Signed with love for the world to see

Oh the sweetness of innocent youth
Just how foolish it now seems
Locked in our hearts
Broken promises shattered dreams
Memories of what might have been
Enfolded in sweet bitter lies

Young hearts not yet broken
Nor dealt the pain
When ties of love lie tortured
With sorrowful searing pain
We swear never to love again
Suffering the heartbreak
Of further pain

Broken hearts like shattered glass
Become memories of the past
And so we love again

So many mistakes ~ so many tears
We travel on through the years
Asking ourselves many times
Why were we so blind?

A question without an answer
It all seems down to fate
You chose the wrong partner
You walked through the wrong gate

Life your destiny ~ Your fate?

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Re: Cupids Bow

Postby Stella » Sun Oct 09, 2016 8:22 am

The pain of first love can be so intense , but we learn as we go along not to let our hearts be so vulnerable so quickly.

The old saying "It is better to have loved and lost is better than to have never loved at all" still stands

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Re: Cupids Bow

Postby Adette » Sun Oct 09, 2016 10:54 am

:) In all honesty married on the rebound (as they say) it was my biggest mistake - it's no good regretting what's done is done. Guess many things we write are connected to our past. Thanks for your visit Stella much appreciated.

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