Grandpa 1891-1918

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Grandpa 1891-1918

Postby Adette » Mon Oct 10, 2016 5:16 pm



Inhumane suffering
A soldiers soul
Shorteness of life
Wages of war

Dreaming I walk with you
through Willow Park
Humming softly with the larks

Sitting content beneath
the big oak tree
Granpa - that's how life
should have been

In my world of make believe
I see your loving smile
Sending kisses with the Angels
To those you left behind

Though I never knew you
I think of you with pride
I'm returning Angel kisses
Lovingly entwined

Your mother's arms enfold you
She has taken you back home
Your tortured soul rekindled
In the spirit of her warmth

God Bless


Killed in action 28 September 1918 buried in France

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