My Angel friend - Typsy

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My Angel friend - Typsy

Postby Adette » Fri Oct 21, 2016 11:23 am


Gracefully she walks beside me
Humming in her gentle way
Soon she starts to giggle
Like a little girl at play

I call her Tipsy
She dances over bluebells
And never ever falls
She is a light as a feather
And all of two feet tall

She would stop and whisper
Tell me a story please
And I will tell you secrets
About things you've never seen

Sitting beneath the old oak tree
Light hearted and carefree
Our initials we would scratch
For all the world to see

Tipsy loved to play her harp
I would sing with glee
And the birds gaily twittered
As they nestled in the trees

Oh it was pure heaven
And I was as happy as can be
She would be my friend forever
I love her and she loves me

It's lovely to have a friend like Tipsy
Special in every way
But she has to remain a secret
Only I can watch her play

Breathing in the pure clean air
Floating back into a land of dreams
So beautiful the bluebells fall
Covering Typsy like a shawl


The video is so beautiful and relaxing one could fall into the dream

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Re: My Angel friend - Typsy

Postby Stella » Fri Oct 21, 2016 8:14 pm

Ah, if we could all have such a wonderful imaginary angel friend like yours how lucky we would be.

The video is a wonderful accompaniment to your delightful poem, so relaxing i could fall into it and dream away.....♥

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