Summer Rain

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Summer Rain

Postby Adette » Tue Oct 25, 2016 4:28 pm

Softly falling from
cloudless skies silken drops
around me lie- pitter, patter
sweetly sung as if subdued
within a cradlesong

Flowers thirsty from
summer sun kissed drops
re- awakening her buds savouring
the freshness within the air
filling the earth
with promise

Trees once parched
raised the beauty of her leaves
enriched by the magic of its fall
stands now proud
and tall

humming in the shadows of the rain

Birds flock together
rejoicing in chorus their
pickings easier within a ground
so moist collecting food for their young
thankful to the rain

A beautiful rainbow
exquisite in sun kissed skies
as if painted by the
human eye

Breathing in the
lush clear air relaxing
after the summer rain the coolness
of its embrace
a smile radiates
my face

Blessed is the earth from God above to this earth
We should show love

Last edited by Adette on Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Summer Rain

Postby Stella » Wed Oct 26, 2016 12:44 pm

I can hardly find words beautiful enough to describe this my friend; i too love the music of Secret Garden ... oh so heavenly, both words and music..i am in awe ♥

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Re: Summer Rain

Postby Adette » Thu Oct 27, 2016 5:33 pm

Hi Stella pleased you liked this maybe need a few alterations but so very busy downloading, then it will be checking time. Cannot believe how much I have done. Don't expect miracles but if it ever got accepted would be over the moon because my family have no idea how much has been writtenanyway we shall see. Thanks again for all you help been so engrossed gone past dinner time so must away and cook my fish.

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Re: Summer Rain

Postby Adette » Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:04 pm

Shortened slightly same meaning but looking more into my words like you suggested - given me a new line of thought

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