The Witch

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The Witch

Postby Adette » Thu Oct 27, 2016 7:02 pm


The wicked witch has gone banished to
darkened woods her magic potions
gather dust the big black pot
is home to rust

Crackling like some old hen
takes to her Broomstick
mischief intent

Those pixies would suffer for all their
tricks she still had some potions
that would do the trick

As for those silly fairies and Angels alike
beware you’ll suffer
For my plight

Creatures scatter here and there messages
ring out loud and clear beware
the witch is near

Merlin who is a wise old man carries powers
from ancient lands watches as she mounts
her ride the ugly crow not far behind

Weaving words wand held high your punishment
comes as you fly the broom is withered
aged in time your evil is about to die

The strongest winds pierce the skies taking the
witch on her last ride groaning under the
witches weight the poor old broomstick
Falls to its fate

Once again Fairies dance and angels sing
mischievous pixies have such fun
Now the wicked witch is gone

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Re: The Witch

Postby Stella » Thu Oct 27, 2016 10:36 pm

Just right for Halloween , these wicked witches are likely to be standing on my doorstep this weekend along with lots of ghouls and other scary creatures, and no doubt the only way to send them packing will be to bribe them with sweets lol :twisted:

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