The Robin ~ trijan refrain

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The Robin ~ trijan refrain

Postby Stella » Sat Oct 29, 2016 10:55 am


I saw him sitting on the gate
a hungry little friend
I knew that he would sit and wait
on me he could depend.
Little robin with his red breast
always a cute and welcome guest
little robin
little robin
I wonder where you hide your nest

November brings a hoary frost
so beautiful and white
yet robin knows to his sad cost
it will be cold tonight.
He comes to me not one bit shy
and knows i will not let him die
he comes to me
he comes to me
for his hunger to satisfy.

A little help although he’s free
is something that he needs
for in the summer ‘neath his tree
there are insects and seeds.
Sweet and lovely i hear him sing
he’s such a precious little thing
sweet and lovely
sweet and lovely
no other bird more joy could bring.

© Stella Armour 2016

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Re: The Robin ~ trijan refrain

Postby Adette » Sun Oct 30, 2016 9:18 pm

Yes despite all the little robin is so cute one cannot help falling in love with him. Soon he will decorate ur Christmas cards looking a as plump as can be - it's all that food he keeps beein given - lol So enjoyed my read.

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Karin Anderson
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Re: The Robin ~ trijan refrain

Postby Karin Anderson » Mon Nov 07, 2016 6:27 am

This is adorable Stella and I can imagine it being read to school children . The last stanza really did it for me, 'a little help although he's free
is something that he needs for summer 'neath his tree.' I just love birds and you brought this robin beautifully to life for me.

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