Chalk and Cheese

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Chalk and Cheese

Postby Adette » Sun Oct 30, 2016 5:47 pm

sisters are the same flowers
from a different garden

My sister and I are so different ~ people say chalk and cheese
I like everything in order ~ she says that makes me O.C.D

Sarcasm ~ flows like water ~ she so loves to take the Mick
Silly me takes the bait ~ it would be better to seal my lips

  O.C.D Is that some kind of sickness ~ my mind goes in a whirl
Is it progressive ~ will it get much worse?

No you silly clot ~ you just go to extremes
Everything has to be in order ~ Oh! so neat and clean

That's hardly a sickness ~ Stupid if you ask me

You keep me here waiting while everything’s in place
We'll never get out it takes you all day

Silly me!  cleaning a thing you so hate
It don't bother you ~ you just leave a state
If I feel like cleaning I do, and if I don't I don't

Let's agree to disagree ~ each to their own

Oh now on with the make-up more time to waste
We're going to Tesco not some bl...dy fashion parade

Patience for some reason you left at the gate
nag, nag, nag till my ears really ache

God missed me ~ he gave it all to you
Knowing you would need it for all you have to do

Well he certainly gifted you a tongue
He just forgot the honey to sweeten the sound

You'd try the patience of the Angels ~ Oh no!
You're putting washing out ~ we'll get nowhere today

You know what I’m like why waste your breath
You just sit there moaning causing me stress
If you don’t wish to wait go on your own
Can't take anymore of your continual moan,

I've waited this long you may as well make a brew

What's wrong with you?
I think that's fair

If of course you can manage to move yourself
from the chair!

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Re: Chalk and Cheese

Postby Stella » Mon Oct 31, 2016 9:51 am

Lol, i loved this because i never had a sister or a brother but now perhaps he or she might have been like this, although i think i would have been the messy one hahaha ♫

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Re: Chalk and Cheese

Postby Adette » Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:22 am

Believe me there is truth in this poem whenever she came to visit it would start, by the time she left I was stressed out. Lorraine used people a free meal here and there her cupboards always full mine always bare. In this world there are takers and givers - giving is part of my nature. At least since moving here I have learnt the word NO!

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Re: Chalk and Cheese

Postby Stella » Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:31 am

it's taken me a lifetime to learn that word where some family is concerned , but the freedom it gives is wonderful lol

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