Faith can move Mountains (For Jon London)

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Faith can move Mountains (For Jon London)

Postby Stella » Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:51 am


when the sun rises
we will do it

The mountain that looms large
we will climb it

Hand in hand, step by step
the elusive path
we will tread it

Led by hope, fed by love
we will get there
we can do anything

My promise to you
that when we topple the mountain
into yesterday

You will have found the freedom
to conquer anything
to be strong again

© Stella Armour 2012-08-13
* I wrote this for my dear friend Jon London a few years ago after he suffered a catastrophic brain injury.

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Karin Anderson
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Re: Faith can move Mountains (For Jon London)

Postby Karin Anderson » Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:24 am

This brings back memories of our friend in poetry who is extremely talented. I admire the title and thoughtfulness you bestow him with faith and love thank you Stella!

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Re: Faith can move Mountains (For Jon London)

Postby Adette » Sun Nov 06, 2016 11:33 am

They say Faith ca move mountains - loved the way you have worded this tribute - strange suddenly together - together can do and mean
so much - the last stanza ALONE says so much wonderfully written Stella - hope all goes well today

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