Marked with cowardice

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Marked with cowardice

Postby Adette » Sat Nov 05, 2016 1:29 pm

You sleep within the setting sun ~ You are someone's loving son


Marked with cowardice
The graves of men
Like that of the pauper
What shame has man?

Families suffered eternal pain
Weeping in silence the tortured shame
Scorned by their neighbours
Who made their lives hell?

What gave them the right to judge?
They had not witnessed
The cruellest side of man nor seen
Broken bodies, blood stained fields
Bloody wars cruellest scheme

Tortured souls could take no more
Bloody bodies by the score
Limbs torn scattered across the floor
This the price of war

Branded cowards
They had deserted the cause
Shot a dawn by their own
The senseless act of bloody war

Where was compassion in their hour of need?

This was the cruellest act of man
To label them in this heartless way
Their minds in turmoil
From blood swept lands


Families fought to have this stigma removed 2006, conditional pardons were granted to soldiers shot at dawn during the First World War.

Let us hope this is the start of a process that redefines what cowardice means ~ to a man it may mean what it says ~ to a woman it would mean HER SON ~ HER HUSBAND her father The father of her CHILDREN


Brravery is not always an act of killing
May their souls rest in peace?


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