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Postby Adette » Wed Jan 04, 2017 12:19 am

Look how she skips
Treading the ropes
Round and around
In circles she goes

How good it feels
To be young and free
To enjoy your life
Completely carefree

Days go so quickly
In the blink of an eye
Another year’s flown
Oh! How times flies

So enjoy each moment
Share each precious joy
And when you look back
Do so with a smile.

There will be hard times
There will be sad
There will be good times
There will be bad

There will be love
There will be loss
So enjoy each moment
Each hour of the day

Counting your blessings
Each step of the way
Life is a gift
That's why we call it

A Present

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Re: Life

Postby Stella » Wed Jan 04, 2017 10:41 pm

A gift indeed, the present is living in the moment and enjoying its beauty.... :)

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Re: Life

Postby ken.brandli » Sun Jan 15, 2017 8:36 am

The present indeed. Well penned.

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