I found you in the sequined milky way last night
As when the Sandman filled my eyes so dream-spun tight
You stitched and filigreed them with the gracious moon
To enter through needle’s eye to my heart’s cocoon.
The wind caressed my skin and teased my wind-flung hair
When you crouched behind a cloud of cruised floating air.
The music flowed from clouds and sang our echoed song
and climaxed on the puff where you now smiled upon.
You placed my right hand in your black night satin glove,
We sped silver cords with glorious light-o’-love
Where sky’s Elysium kept tins of polish bliss
And shined the ballroom for our everlasting kiss.
I waltzed in nightgown’s flimsy white in your embrace,
As music ebbed and flowed you pressed your darling face
To mine and as we glimpsed lives we had shared before
Sun and moon eclipsed and I never loved you more.
No words came forth to spoil our consummated spell
We spoke hushed words that all dream lovers know so well
As you sped me home silver cord turned Godly gold
And comets burst sunsets as we released our hold.
Karin Anderson copyright 2010 S.A.