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Postby drllrd74 » Wed Feb 08, 2017 3:16 am

I will never sow you seeds of discontent,
my time with you is precious and well spent;
I will never think to ever put you down,
you're much too enjoyable, to be around.

You are too dear and lovely for my scorn,
it's for our relationship that I was born;
we fell in love the day we met, and still are,
you are my guiding light and treasured star.

I will never be the guilty one to let you go,
it would only break my heart, if you must know;
so I will be beside you, through thick and thin,
you will never have to wonder where I've been.

You are too beautiful for me to ever think I'd lose,
the first and only one, I'd ever want to choose;
count on me to be there, until the very end,
regardless of what will be around each bend.

I will never ever say to you, my's over,
I will never be a cheater or a wayward rover;
we'll stay together through each pain and sorrow,
so that together, we can share each grand tomorrow.

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Seema Chowdhury
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Re: Never.

Postby Seema Chowdhury » Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:43 pm

Very honest and a sincere write, Thanks for sharing.

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