Love is very gentle love is very kind
Love is a pure blessing love really binds
Two beautiful hearts, souls and minds
In an unbreakable chord to always remind
Love is like clouds floating freely very high
Love is like a gentle rain falling from the sky
Love is like the rainbow that shines and stops by
To brighten our lives and put an end to our sighs
Love creates best friendships in our dull lives
Love adds miracles and joy for us to survive
Love fills our path with smooth and sweet drives
And teaches us to take care and always feel alive
Thank you dear Sunny for all your love and care
Thank you for holding hands so you can always share
Thank you for wiping tears of joy, pain and despair
And for painting the canvas of my life with your prayers
Your friendship is a noble gift from gracious Lord
You are a special angel send from Merciful God
You have filed my life with happiness and joy’s chord
And have gifted me forever love and peace aboard.
Happy Valentine’s Day My Dearest Friend Sunny
Thank you for being the most important and integral part of my life.
Seema Chowdhury
February 14, 2017