There are many layers of consciousness we call re-births and somewhere in the middle layers we have graduated from the “Before” to the “Now,” and as we improve and learn the next layer is waiting to take us up further on our journey of awakening. We call it death, but it is only a transitory moment.
It began when souls were born to the universe for a purpose beyond their understanding at that time.
They grow and have to experience the steps to be climbed in the attainment
of faith, hope and charity. Time and time again they sink back until they search for the purity that will lead them to the purpose of their existence.
Then they will have gained the wings of something so beautiful that the journeys will have been forgotten, and the future will not exist because they have found it within themselves, the ultimate layer of consciousness the conception and understanding of one God…..
the answer to the question
© Stella Armour 2017