Patchwork Dreams ~ Sonnet

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Patchwork Dreams ~ Sonnet

Postby Stella » Tue Jul 03, 2018 4:56 pm


A pretty patchwork quilt to hold your dreams,
embroidered silks of feathered wings on birds;
and summer skies soft mirrored into streams
my gift to you this lullaby of words.

Fair meadow daisies lace love-chains for you
as pillow trinket soothe with magic charm.
Soul secret rainbows colour hearts anew
where every hue and shade of breath is calm.

Soft clover seams to soothe a melody,
and golden grass to whisper you to sleep.
The low and gentle humming of a bee
as twilight falls and stars begin to peep.

Now gentle twilight falls across the sky
as patchwork quilt dreams thread a lullaby.

© Stella Armour 2018

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Re: Patchwork Dreams ~ Sonnet

Postby Cindy » Sat Jul 21, 2018 1:25 am

What a lovely sonnet, Stella. I must get back to writing again. I especially want to write another sonnet sometime soon.

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