Not A Bird

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Not A Bird

Postby Cindy » Fri Aug 10, 2018 2:28 am

I thought it was a bird that chirped
Throughout the live-long day.
I heard him in the morning, noon
And evening chirp away.

He chirped on Sunday...Monday, bright.
He chirped on Tuesday too.
He chirped on Wednesday. Then I heard
Him chirp on Thursday too.

Who was this noisy little bird
That chirped on Friday morn.
And there he was again the next!
You'd think his voice all worn.

I searched the many tree tops
That reached about the eaves.
All I saw were gnarled limbs
And crispy, green new leaves.

Then I saw him, not a bird,
Behind a garden stone.
It was a chipmunk vocalist.
The noise was his alone.

Chipmunks sing...who would've thought?
The sound can be obnoxious.
Sometimes I want the fellow gone.
At the very least unconscious.

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Re: Not A Bird

Postby Stella » Fri Aug 10, 2018 7:58 am

oh, i loved the way this flowed along in wonderful rhyme, and more than that i loved the surprise of the chipmunk :lol:

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Re: Not A Bird

Postby Cindy » Fri Aug 10, 2018 2:15 pm

That k you very much.

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