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Fay Slimm
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Postby Fay Slimm » Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:24 am


For a recently deceased poet-friend's wife and family.

As each birth into earth-time
comes to an end grieve not for long at that
bed or graveside.

Friend do not sorely weep
but understand souls find there a freedom
no longer here.

Shadows of angels work
to share news that life, staying not still will
arise elsewhere.

Eternity wraps human
appearance in spirit as completion, to reach
out for the new.

So seek for that gleam
as rainbows appear, look for those bluebirds,
accept telling dreams.

See more light in smiles,
hear whispered Love's presence, for contact
comes with such signs.

Make no mistake, ways
thru' death's mystery will be made clear as
but a whisper away.

Capture from heaven
comforting essence that loved ones live on
in God's permanence.

All come from Paradise
to return, for as ends one part of life begins
another reality.

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Postby Stella » Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:42 am

This is a most beautiful tribute to Bob ,it is always so sad when our poet friends pass away, but i like to think that they all meet again in God's garden , where it is peaceful and divine...what a gathering that must surely be.. :)

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Sandra Martyres
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Postby Sandra Martyres » Sat Nov 22, 2014 1:49 am

A very touching tribute to Bob Blackwell... A poet and photographer par excellence and a lover of nature as well. may his soul rest in peace..

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