Bittersweet Valentine (a Sonnet)

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Karin Anderson
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Bittersweet Valentine (a Sonnet)

Postby Karin Anderson » Wed Nov 26, 2014 6:52 am


Photo - Michells photo flickr

Lorikeets rainbow the scented gum tree
as azure sky hangs dew drop clouds to dry.
Floating on lines of lemon and sweet pea
scent wafts through that summer of you and I.

Bittersweet fragrance brings memories here
as I climb coppice hills and rain-blamed days.
Run through fields of your blue iris eyes near
the Maiden’s Wattle tree where our love sways.

Your Valentine card is wrapped in youth’s heat,
A wild rose runs with me to your hot hands.
Pulling me down, our dare devil lips meet
and morning glory bursts in gold blushed sands.

I’ve kept your Valentine card, smudged that year
when Maiden’s Wattle died, each puff a tear.

Karin Anderson © 2014
Last edited by Karin Anderson on Thu Nov 27, 2014 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bittersweet Valentine (a Sonnet)

Postby Cindy » Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:55 pm

This is very pretty. I especially love the last two lines.

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Fay Slimm
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Re: Bittersweet Valentine (a Sonnet)

Postby Fay Slimm » Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:28 pm

A wonderfully romantic Valentine sonnet with some inspiring phrases - - an enchanting read Karin and thank you for sharing it.

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Re: Bittersweet Valentine (a Sonnet)

Postby Stella » Thu Nov 27, 2014 10:52 am

Love can be bittersweet, but it is also blind and we run headlong into it when we are young.

A lovely and imaginative sonnet from the romantic nib of your pen my friend.

How wonderful that you still have the tear stained Valentine card... love must still be lingering somewhere in those coppice hills.

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Sandra Martyres
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Re: Bittersweet Valentine (a Sonnet)

Postby Sandra Martyres » Fri Nov 28, 2014 12:04 am

The bitter-sweet memories of first love well captured in this poem Karin... There are many memorable lines too.. I particularly liked the closing lines

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Lynda Robson
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Re: Bittersweet Valentine (a Sonnet)

Postby Lynda Robson » Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:18 pm

Bittersweet, but beautifully written Karin

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