Pot of Gold

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Pot of Gold

Postby apoetwholovestosing » Mon Dec 29, 2014 11:52 pm

Pot of Gold

Life has hidden treasures
For us all.
Some are big, some are small.
Some blessing are invisile
To the eye;
If we are not careful,
They will pass us by.
Sometimes, it's the loving
Touch of a child's hand,
Or a stranger who
Chanced to smile.
The treasure that has put
Me at heaven's door
Is this time with you...
Who could ask for more?
I'll treasure our time
Together and smile,
Our kinship shared, will take me
That extra mile.
Best wished for continued growth
And success to one and all,
Count your blessings as treasures,
Big or small.

Dorothy Alves Holmes
A Poet Who Loves To Sing

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Re: Pot of Gold

Postby Stella » Tue Dec 30, 2014 6:35 pm

beautiful words, as always my friend..

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