Love's Lesson Lost

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Joseph Anderson
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Love's Lesson Lost

Postby Joseph Anderson » Thu Jan 08, 2015 3:59 pm

A lowly peasant, manor born
walked among us long ago
and tried to teach for all mankind,
of a better way to go.

This teacher, preacher for all time
spoke of love, compassion, care,
peace, contentment and togetherness
and our mutual need to share.

Famed leaders Gandhi,King oft spoke
of the lessons Jesus taught;
They thought if we would follow them
we would gain what can't be bought.

To soon this peasant, manor born
faced death on a rugged cross;
Mankind has struggled, ever since
searching for love's lesson lost.

There must be a better way to go

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Re: Love's Lesson Lost

Postby Nightmute » Thu Jan 08, 2015 5:11 pm

You mention His humble beginning and His cruel demise, but what has always captured my heart and attention is that Jesus took on flesh, both man and God, and willingly took on the cross for our sins, Joseph. He, the innocent Lamb, who, without sin, took upon Himself our sins, and who, upon that cross, once and for all, paid the price for us. So, not just a teacher and preacher, sir...for He rose on that third day, victorious over death, proving He was, and is, the Son of God. I would say that His sacrifice for us shows that He is the Way, good sir.

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Re: Love's Lesson Lost

Postby Nishu » Fri Jan 09, 2015 7:25 am

Wonderful dear Joseph. I hope we can one day truly emulate and follow his lessons and words.

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Re: Love's Lesson Lost

Postby Nishu » Fri Jan 09, 2015 7:26 am

Wonderful dear Joseph. I hope we can one day truly emulate and follow his lessons and words.

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Karin Anderson
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Re: Love's Lesson Lost

Postby Karin Anderson » Sat Jan 10, 2015 5:34 am

I think many young people are suffering in Australia as religion is not taught in public schools and they have not been made aware of the Ten Commandments as these are good guidelines to live by, or have not learned some of the prayers. However, I am more into the oneness of God (Love & Light) and think there have been some other genuine prophets throughout the ages (Jesus only being one of them) to speak of love, compassion, care etc. but many people remember the messenger and forget the message and wars happen. It is all so simple as one goes around comes around, and I would suggest people who are young or old keep lists of of their own givings and their misgivings and what actually returns as a consequence, as it is not always in the way we would expect. I have done this later in my life and the answers speak for themselves as it blows me away. Thank you Joseph for bringing to light the plight of Love's Lesson Lost, and perhaps this comment is far too long.....

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Re: Love's Lesson Lost

Postby Stella » Sat Jan 10, 2015 11:06 am

Karin has put into words what i wanted to say Joseph.. thank you Karin..thank you Joseph

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