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She Doesn't Know I Write of Her...

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:27 pm
by Nightmute
I have not told her of this, truly.
She knows not that I write such words
to glory in her magnificent manner;
to bask in her beauty, her banner I fly.

She is made to be unaware of words
that sing out of my heart, to paper,
and ever shall she never know,
for never shall I read these to her.

I share not of my written word.
I care not if my poems catch fire
and left are only ashes blown
about by winds that come and go.

She has no need to know of this,
for in my every waking moment,
surely she hears my songs of her;
she knows I Love her, and always shall.

And so, I rhapsodize her nightly,
regaling in her nightgown, she,
and I, this man she so adores,
make known our love with all our moments.
Let Love sing wholly, without pretenses.

No, she needs not read my scrawlings.
Really, she, who is my soul,
can ever know of my adulation;
her worth is minted within my eyes.

You are the flecks,
you are the aura
of my very being, Darling.
Minted, yes, indeed, anon,
and mightily ever after, my Love.

Re: She Doesn't Know I Write of Her...

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:29 pm
by Joseph Anderson
This is one beauty of a love poem.Passionate,Compassionate,tender,poignant I was sincerely moved by it. Many precious lines such as-her worth is
minted within my eyes.A lucky lady

Re: She Doesn't Know I Write of Her...

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 9:19 am
by Stella
So beautiful and rare is your love Richard, i almost feel that i am intruding and that should not even whisper across the page.

I am sure she knows that she is the breath you draw and the light of your life without the spoken words..

Re: She Doesn't Know I Write of Her...

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2015 11:11 am
by Karin Anderson
I feel privileged to read your poems about your dear wife Richard, and like Stella I feel like I am trespassing. She would certainly sense how much you adore her as you are twin souls, and know each others profound love. You write such creative and beautiful scrawlings and it is always a pleasure to read poems about your precious wife thank you Richard.

Re: She Doesn't Know I Write of Her...

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2015 2:43 pm
by Cindy
I too feel as though I tresspass. Peeking in the windows of your life. I see you two together. Relaxing in the living room, sitting at the table, reading books, going about life. I see the love that wraps around you both. Palpable and very beautiful.