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Postby denysruak » Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:38 pm


Preamble: Precrastination is a recently coined word. Please look it up on the internet. Perhaps a deft, tongue-in-cheek definition could be: it is a precursor to procrastination.

Okay, so I have this really important task
to write a poem on procrastination
but as I have no time to do it now
I'll do something else by dissemination.

I shall do some other tasks as a ruse,
not as important and perhaps obtuse,
while I find time and have an excuse
of not finding my inner muse.

I'll rather find some easier chore,
easier to do and should ignore,
like penning this poem as I delay
writing my poetic procrastination display.

Here's a trick I've done over the years,
I've learnt to precrastinate and save some tears.
I'll re-mow the lawn that was mowed yesterday -
that's next week's work now out of the way.

Do anything now that could be done tomorrow,
it's a time-saving form that allows you to borrow
in advance to give you more time
to make procrastination less of a crime.

Like pre-wash tomorrow's dirty dishes,
water the garden after it rained today,
pre-write next year's birthday wishes,
- prepare for procrastination without delay.

But now I find myself fiddling around,
trying not to end this write I expound.
Is this a case of pro-precrastination
or is it a case of pre-procrastination?

So I'll have some coffee while I ponder the thought
as I scratch my head, write a word or two more
and earnestly implore ...........
What nonsense have I wrought?
................... a lot I am sure.

(C) Denys Ruak 2014
All rights reserved.

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Seema Chowdhury
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Re: Precrastination

Postby Seema Chowdhury » Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:45 pm

Hope you enjoyed writing this.

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Re: Precrastination

Postby Stella » Fri Feb 20, 2015 7:41 pm

i don't know Denys, but it certainly made interesting reading... :D

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Re: Precrastination

Postby antoine » Fri Feb 20, 2015 10:09 pm

A witty ride was this Denys - very enjoyable and a lovely toying with the words. It seems like a fun way to spend time, this 'precrastinating' - not too much effort involved so could be done in between coffee breaks. I loved the thought of remowing an already well coiffured lawn. thank you for sharing it with us

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eleanor prince
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Re: Precrastination

Postby eleanor prince » Sat Feb 21, 2015 2:40 am

wonderful write that has me smiling :)

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Joseph Anderson
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Re: Precrastination

Postby Joseph Anderson » Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:31 pm

I had great fun perusing this one. A little bit of nonsence lightens lifes heavy load. You are not prevaricating to me ,are you.A great fun write

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Re: Precrastination

Postby Nightmute » Mon Feb 23, 2015 11:54 pm

Ha! Seems we have to work harder to put things off, my friend. Well, I guess we have all means and mechanisms to help us justify not doing what it is we should be doing. A fun and witty it, sir!

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