The Yoga Teacher...

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Sandra Martyres
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The Yoga Teacher...

Postby Sandra Martyres » Mon Mar 02, 2015 2:23 am

Lying on the sea sands,
He recalled the soft voice
Of his yoga teacher.
Inhale - slowly exhale,
Your stress will dissipate.

A few hours later,
He found himself lying
In the very same spot,
Calmer, but still disturbed.
His life was a nightmare!

A pile of mounting debts,
Creditors at his door,
A suspicious landlord,
Waiting to displace him,
His life couldn't get worse!

Then, thinking about her,
He stood upright, shaking
Off the sand, that had stuck
On his fancy T-shirt,
With luck she'd take him in!

The teacher who loved him,
When he had set his heart
On wooing another,
With much greater pizzazz.
He'd seek a second chance!

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Re: The Yoga Teacher...

Postby Cindy » Mon Mar 02, 2015 12:36 pm

Interesting turn at the end there.. I wasn't expecting it. :-)

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Seema Chowdhury
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Re: The Yoga Teacher...

Postby Seema Chowdhury » Tue Mar 03, 2015 3:18 pm


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Re: The Yoga Teacher...

Postby Nightmute » Tue Mar 03, 2015 7:31 pm

Even when all hangs by a thread, we can find a renewal of hope, especially if folks are not disinclined to give folks a second chance, Sandra. We still might find we have hard times to go through, but we can do what needs to be done with a lighter heart and with a smile on our lips, Ma'am.

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Re: The Yoga Teacher...

Postby Stella » Tue Mar 03, 2015 10:31 pm

he would be a very lucky man were he given another would be for the wrong reasons, only for self gain methinks..

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Karin Anderson
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Re: The Yoga Teacher...

Postby Karin Anderson » Wed Mar 04, 2015 11:54 am

The surprise ending could change his life for the better. If he respects his former teacher caring for her as much as himself, things should work out. A most enlightening read thank you Sandra.

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Re: The Yoga Teacher...

Postby stevenstirk » Sat Mar 14, 2015 10:08 pm

Lovely twist Sandra. Everyone deserves a second chance . I must give this Yoga thing a try (as long as it's not too energetic) Ha Ha

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