Tribute to Woman.

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Fay Slimm
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Tribute to Woman.

Postby Fay Slimm » Sun Mar 08, 2015 5:25 pm


A verse to celebrate International Woman's Day.

I, Woman
consider myself rightly the female guardian
of humanity's decency,
the feminine mountain of care and example
of ageless achievement.

A win or lose mirror who separates dreamers
from willing doers
I have grown from challenging problems ready
to shape my future
and with endurance I look on any unassailable
course as already won.

I am Woman,
the force who owes all to her own existence,
the Self who, travelling towards
light of revelation discovers genuine courage
inside female gender.

I stand alone yet am happy to choose things
which I do with faith
in authenticity, facing consequence bravely.
An icon of tenderness,
an I who fosters respect but whose eye when
catching need feels tender compassion.

She who mother's man and leaps to defend
male maladjustment
when attacked by makers of trouble or a he
who allows doubt to undermine.

Inveterate my conscience treating all as free,
yet I know there is never a come or go,
not a yes or no,
nor a birth or death
with any whisper of weight ....... without Me.

I dare to make my own mistakes and have the
strength to forgive,
empowering thereafter some rectification.

But better look out, as when tested

I, Woman,

am impregnable.

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Re: Tribute to Woman.

Postby Stella » Sun Mar 08, 2015 5:51 pm

Thank you so much for this wonderful tribute to women everywhere Fay.
Women are the strength behind all great men...we can be tough.. we can be soft, most of all we are the compassion of every heart.

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Joseph Anderson
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Re: Tribute to Woman.

Postby Joseph Anderson » Sun Mar 08, 2015 5:52 pm

I can agree with all you have said.With women in charge this woud be a kinder, safer and a more benelvolent world and you have expressed this
so very well.Us males need to stifle our egos.This eeded to be said

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Seema Chowdhury
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Re: Tribute to Woman.

Postby Seema Chowdhury » Sun Mar 08, 2015 11:03 pm

Happy Women's Day, thanks a lot for this beautiful write Fay

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