Don't Smack The Children

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Don't Smack The Children

Postby stevenstirk » Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:52 pm

Don't smack the children you cruel heartless cad
For smacking the children shall make them feel sad
Discipline comes from a calm gentle voice
And smacking the children is such a bad choice

Don't smack the children if naughty they be
Or try to defy you and then disagree
Don't smack the children who threaten or fight
The children must learn that you're wrong and their right

Don't spare the teacher who shouts at the child
And praise all the scholars at school, who run wild
Commend all the children who bully and skit
And don't judge the children who blackmail and spit

Don't smack the children, it isn't correct
And if those young children then show disrespect
Don't chastise the children as scolding incites
The judge who hears cases of breached Human Rights

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Re: Don't Smack The Children

Postby Stella » Wed Mar 11, 2015 7:11 pm

Don't smack the children.... just grin and bear it seems to be the rule these days, unless of course you bribe them like i did mine and it worked wonders

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Re: Don't Smack The Children

Postby ken.brandli » Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:28 pm

Shades of Pink Floyd's Brick in the Wall. 'We don't need no ejacashun!....' OK. I should get serious. There is a real theme about meanness here. Perhaps I detect the voice of a boy who suffered, as I did, at the hand of some teachers who liked corporal punishment a bit much?

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Re: Don't Smack The Children

Postby Cindy » Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:39 pm

I just love this. Love the sarcasm. Brought a smile to my face. Wonderfully done.

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