Spring Morning Mine

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Tom Balch
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Spring Morning Mine

Postby Tom Balch » Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:09 pm

Fields of golden buttercups
grasses wild and green,
the almond trees in blossom
a splendid springtime scene.

The olive groves lush and green
skies so clear and blue,
swallows showing off their skills
home from their long adieu.

Wild Rosemary and Lavender
the golden gorse’s shine,
as I wonder through this
springtime morn....
this springtime morn of mine.

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Re: Spring Morning Mine

Postby Stella » Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:44 pm

How beautiful Tom, and what a lovely springtime image you have painted with fresh colours and the vitality of the swallows
dipping and swooping in the sky.
The closing couplet is just divine...thank you for this welcome write....

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Joseph Anderson
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Re: Spring Morning Mine

Postby Joseph Anderson » Thu Mar 12, 2015 6:27 pm

Tom-a precious reminder of what is on the way,done in fine style.After fighting through two feet of late snow here in America I am more then
ready.A cheering read.

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Fay Slimm
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Re: Spring Morning Mine

Postby Fay Slimm » Thu Mar 12, 2015 6:30 pm

Oh this is so beautifully rendered Tom - a real pleasure to read. Spring is the best of months to see wonderful new happenings.

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Karin Anderson
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Re: Spring Morning Mine

Postby Karin Anderson » Sat Mar 14, 2015 11:49 am

Such a delightful and beautiful spring write and I love how it flows. I can imagine it being the lyrics of a song Tom.

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Prashant Shaurya
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Re: Spring Morning Mine

Postby Prashant Shaurya » Sat Mar 14, 2015 8:35 pm

This is such a refreshing poem. I enjoyed reading and rereading it..

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Re: Spring Morning Mine

Postby stevenstirk » Sat Mar 14, 2015 9:19 pm

A really beautiful piece Tom. Very much enjoyed :)

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