2015 - My Own Life's Quotes To Live By - March

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Seema Chowdhury
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2015 - My Own Life's Quotes To Live By - March

Postby Seema Chowdhury » Tue Mar 31, 2015 12:43 am

Moments to Remember:

Don't leave behind anything that is important to you, wrap up your life and enjoy every moment of the dawn of anew beginning. Look outside the window and enjoy the sun that is rising above the darkened sky. Be the voice of reason and allow your inner light to shine. Broaden your perspective and wander openly like a free spirit. Put all your worries and heartache aside and concentrate on positive insights through wisdom. Step back and see yourself objectively to bring pure inspiration to work. Be the light to others who are going through hard times,  because this will make life graceful and will enlighten your soul and it will discover the path of independence and productivity for you. And these are the kind of moments that we all like to remember and share.

True Moments of Clarity:

Chirp a few words of encouragement and find a kinder, warmer and a happier place to live. Try to steadily climb the ladder and dust off your bruised ego. Step outside your circle of comfort and find the true moments of clarity. Enrich your life and expand your horizon.remember to clear your environment before you start, because unpleasantness takes its toll and the negative energy draws the life out of you.invest energy on improving yourself and put in perspective the daily ups and downs of life, return to your core passion and manage life in crisis mode. Don't let a dark wave of depression float over you for too long, just give it time then erase it. It will bring you peace and serenity and will bring back joy so you can experience few moments of clarity to organize your life.

A World of Magic:

This world is full of magic and miracles, we just need to find our balance and make a few adjustments. Erase your worries and transport them I to another world for some time. It is time to step out of the box and do what makes you happy. Write your own exciting story and create your own perfect world. Cover your face against for Ed wind and stand firm and tall even when the ground beneath your feet becomes shaky. Don't let your dreams slip away, encourage and inspire yourself and know that road ahead will be paved with potholes and pitfalls. Life is all about the lesson learnt. So stay focused and keep an account of your inner thoughts to build a vibrant new world with expand horizon where you can smile peacefully. 

Real Purpose:

Focus and find some real purpose of life and discover a path to independence and productivity. Find a new You and rebuild your life with the bricks of positivity. Learn about life and evolve the reality of time. Don't let opportunities to pass you by, grab them and avail them, for each one is unique and significant. Discover your value in the midst of life's celebration and write your own tales of adventure, this will take you to the path of self discovery. Each day is different, so accept it as it comes and know the need, fear and dreams that life will bring With it. Never feel unloved and unneeded or even reject your self, find your own real purpose and set your own rhythm of life.

A Day of Celebration:

Today is a day of celebration and fun, so go out and enjoy, feel loved and needed and don't let the rejection of a failed life hurt you. Learn to control your emotions and open the door of true knowledge to recognize the truth. Get to God's bounties and blessings through prayers and kindness and try to achieve spiritual uplift through your deeds. Remember to radiant some light around you so true faith and zeal can help you to fill your life with meanings and reasons, so at the end of your day you are happy and peaceful and have enjoyed a day of celebration and fun. 

Dream World:

Listen to your soul whispering to you so it can guide your heart. Plan your life with passion and do not fear. Life has many challenges, so do not give up or feel frustrated, find your inspiration and watch happiness unfold in front of your eyes. Let your passion stirs your soul and let your spirit move freely, opt to live fully and let layers of stress melt with the spark of inspiration. Sketch your imagination and draw your own dream world where beauty, love, peace and kindness prevail. Watch a splendid morning unfolds in the alluring turquoise sky free of clouds and doubts. Just open your heart and listen to your creative soul whispering and stirring  new life inside you. 

Deep Connection:

Have deep connection with your God and fill your life with peace and serenity. Show kindness to all and share your inspiring words and acts. Cleanse your soul and wipe away tears of someone's eyes. Remove pain and stress and try to make this world a better place. Have faith and be strong and be a bacon of hope for everyone in the world. Surround yourself by people who care and be true to yourself and others. Listen to your inner voice and make better choices. Sit quietly in peace and reflect on your desires. Stir your boat to the new direction and find your spiritual focus and smile. You can see miracles unfolding if you have deep connection with your prayers and God. 

Break Down the Barriers:

Gain a voice and shape your desires. Have a cheerful attitude and stop bitter whinnying. Continue to try a d be aware of your limitations. Pray everyday and know you are blessed. Carefully review your inside and outside perspective and break down the barriers. Fulfill your dreams and stop running away from life. Make things right with giggles and laughs and add colors in it. Remember that real miracles will unfold in the darkest of time. Don't let your emotions get out of control, enjoy every day. Take out hate from your life and throw away negativity. Look forward to what is coming next and make good things happen. Open new channels of thought and fix the faults of your life. Let go of what you can't change and focus on what you can, it will help you to act brave and break down the barriers to bring happiness back in your life.

Wake up and Live:

Wake up and live every moment of your life. Enrich your soul and delight your heart. Paint the canvas of your life with inspiring and bold strokes of the brush. Don't let negativity of wounded words and surroundings to sap your energy. Be realistic and don't deny yourself access to life. Look through the open window and let the light of life come in. Stay on top of things and enjoy your moment along the way. Find some kind of peace and talk to God everyday and let serenity put balm on your hurt and pang and let it calm you down. Life is a blessing, so put your heart and soul in this journey. Just unwrap your worries and unwind your stress at the end of the day, so when you wake up, you have desire and a new reason to shine and live.

As Life Runs On:

Enjoy the soft hazy covering of the sky and view your surroundings at the break of the dawn. Change your life for the better and refuse to live under a dark cloud. Restore your feelings of harmony and cherish every moment you have. Make positive change every day and bask in sunshine. Walk through the door of hope and face life. Remember yesterday is gone, so let today in, enjoy every moment and fill in the missing pieces so you can create a beautiful future with your beautiful thoughts. Collect and cherish moments to take with you on your journey as life runs on. Don't expect too much because life is not perfect. So don't spread your whole life searching, listen to your inner voice and change your perspective, appreciate what you have and people you love and care about. Be friends with God and then life will become a simple equation to solve.

Everyday Lesson:

Life is an everyday lesson where we learn how to find ourselves and built hope to control it. Where we stroll down memory lane and linger at the sight of nostalgic memories unfolding one after another along with some new exciting experience. Just don't remain engulfed and trapped in the past, because there is a lot to see and learn. Take the first step towards happier and calmer path and adopt a new and positive attitude, don't restrict yourself, feel the cool breeze and refreshing air to expand your life. Bury conflicting emotions and accept meaningful challenges to enrich your life with satisfying rewards and that will help you to gain momentum with time.

Accept Yourself:

Don't wait for a reason to accept yourself, find your way out of the depths of life and let go of your worries. Don't under value the power of positivity. Be open to your surroundings and make awesome memories along the way. Be your own anchor and develop full understanding for life. Don't let your inner beauty fade, enjoy life's view and enjoy the magical world that is flowing outside your world. Make life colorful and bright with your smile and wave worries goodbye. Remember, life is complex and these worries will exist, so don't sit and count them. Be open to new ideas and accept change and when you are ready take a giant leap of faith.

Create Beauty:

Decorate your life with s I,es and kindness and beautify your soul by doing good deeds. Enlighten your surroundings and brighten your path By changing negative thoughts to positive. Fix life's issues and sail away to enjoy the beauty of the amazing sunset. Don't let unexpected delays to upset you, search for meanings every where, slide down the slope of life and make it as smooth as possible. Empty your mind of the struggles and defeat and try to understand life. Don't wait for everyone's approval, let go of pain and understand life so you can shun negativity and brighten your path with joy of truth so you can create beauty.

Seema Chowdhury
March 31, 2015

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Karin Anderson
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Re: 2015 - My Own Life's Quotes To Live By - March

Postby Karin Anderson » Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:29 am

As usual you have woven so much thoughtfulness with your own quotes to live by. Your writing is admirable and I am sure you help a lot of people with your wisdom Seema.

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Tom Balch
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Re: 2015 - My Own Life's Quotes To Live By - March

Postby Tom Balch » Tue Mar 31, 2015 1:13 pm

Certainly quotes to live by, Seema.

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Re: 2015 - My Own Life's Quotes To Live By - March

Postby Stella » Tue Mar 31, 2015 2:22 pm

so much to take in and savour thank you Seema.. my highlight today is

" Be the voice of reason and allow your inner light to shine."

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