Waiting For You

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Waiting For You

Postby Cindy » Sun May 31, 2015 12:53 am

I go to the woods
I hope to see you on the the way, but I do not
You are long in coming
I sigh with the tall pines

My eyes search the shadowy places as I walk
For treasures I may have missed before
All is quiet, except for the frogs
Who sing the song of their ancestors

Without you, my soul feels bare as a twig in winter
But the day is wrapped in summer
And I listen for the whispers of quiet things
Telling secrets as I walk

...Too soon, the day starts to fade
Still, you have not come
The shadows grow in still places
Tall and dark, like great firs under a midnight sky
The end of day comes in impatient nudges as I watch for you

Waiting mixes with night
A potion which makes my heart heavy
The moon follows me home
I will fall asleep wondering at your absence
Gazing at the stars, like fleets of ships across an ebony sea

And I will look for you...on the road of dreams.

This poem was inspired by the poetry of Hilda Conkling. I wrote lines down from
several different poems of hers that inspired me. Then I wrote what they inspired.
Not using them whole, they are now different - if I even used the original at all. I
did use the phrases "like fleets of ships" and "Road of Dreams". Which she(or her
mother) capitalized and I did not. I just felt inspired reading the poetry composed
by this young girl, written down by her mother. Apparently she stopped composing
when she became a teenager. Very sad actually. I wonder what we all missed as a
result. (I also wonder if her mother added a few words of her own. One never knows).

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Re: Waiting For You

Postby Stella » Sun May 31, 2015 3:15 pm

It is good to be inspired by other poets, and to then use your own words and imagery .
What ashame she gave up writing, maybe she followed one of the other arts...

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Re: Waiting For You

Postby Nightmute » Mon Jun 01, 2015 5:38 pm

You've captured a youthful innocence in this inspired write, Cindy. An aptly descriptive verse, well depicting the lay of the land in a reverential and beautiful tone, Ma'am. I really appreciate your ending note telling how you were inspired. It is always sad when one decides to leave behind the crafting of beautiful words, Cindy.

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Re: Waiting For You

Postby SyberRose » Tue Jun 16, 2015 12:46 am

It is always great to be inspired by someone...this poem had an eerie and mysterious feel to it...loved it...Rose
“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.”
― Ray Bradbury,

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Re: Waiting For You

Postby stevenstirk » Tue Jun 16, 2015 7:00 pm

I can feel the yearning and need within these lines. A
delightful piece of poetry Cindy . Loved the imagery.

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