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Where does beauty live?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 6:12 am
by Nishu
For some, here's where beauty resides 
In a face or curve that sways with pride 
In voluptuous lips or alabaster skin 
In looks that charm and locks that win 

And for some, in crisp paper she stays 
And flaunts herself every day
In labels and class attires 
In bought style, in pursuits, desire 

Some can vouch she's found in gold
In rubies and stones of old 
In rings that are rich with appeal 
Oh, here ..that's beauty, feel.

Some rush to exotic places 
For there the moon truly amazes 
The sun sets with a special hue
Unparalleled are the hills in view 

But we all know where beauty dwells 
Not long in lips that cast a spell
Not on brows where she resides 
But in a heart true, deep inside 

Not found she is in terrains rare 
But outside she waits, her soul bare
Behold and she's in your eyes
In the ordinary, undisguised

And yet how we still flounder and stray 
When beauty comes and walks our way 
Fools, we may never learn
How oft do we beauty spurn? 

Re: Where does beauty live?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 10:29 am
by Stella
You written this straight from your beautiful heart Nishu, because that is where that beauty of love resides, and it cannot be bought of found anywhere else.Some people never come to realize this in all their lifetime and think only money can buy it...when really it is inside them if only they would look..

Re: Where does beauty live?

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:39 pm
by Joseph Anderson
Nishu-A splendid analysis of the whereabouts of beauty.For me, beauty resides right here in your poetic offerings.Once penned they will be with us
from now onward. Save them, savor them,they are worth keeping

Re: Where does beauty live?

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:44 pm
by Seema Chowdhury
So beautifully and truly expressed.

Re: Where does beauty live?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 9:00 am
by Nightmute
Always looking for something better, it seems, Nishu, and not realizing that beauty is staring us right in the face, Ma'am. How is it that we allow ourselves to be tripped up by what society falsely perceives as beauty? A beautifully sagacious write, Nishu. I am glad that I found this write of yours...a true gem of wisdom that shines forth brilliantly, my friend.