The Goodly Manager

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The Goodly Manager

Postby stevenstirk » Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:25 pm

My manager was rather strict
Highly trained, and thus ...hand picked
I watched in awe the way he worked
Ensuring that no workers shirked

With skill he matched their expertise
Ensuring that their work would please

The deaf man, manned the telephones
Oblivious to client moans
And if they all complained a bit
He didn't hear...or give a S***

Surveillance was the blind mans role
To guard the premises ...his goal
He watched and manned C.C.T.V.
The place got robbed.....he didn't see

The dumb man, tasked with motivation
Mouthed to staff without oration
And as he struggled to be heard
The staff misunderstood each word

The manager believed his stance
Would give all staff and equal chance
And with his knowledge; skill and trust
In half an hour...the firm went bust
:oops: :evil: :roll: :lol:
Last edited by stevenstirk on Sun Jun 21, 2015 5:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Seema Chowdhury
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Re: The Goodly Manager

Postby Seema Chowdhury » Sun Jun 21, 2015 11:04 am

An Interesting write

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Re: The Goodly Manager

Postby Stella » Sun Jun 21, 2015 1:50 pm

Haha... brilliant , yet again Steven..i am so happy that you post these wonderful gems on my site, and if they ever find their way into a book
i shall be the first to buy some as gifts for my friends , a smile a line is what you give to us. :lol:

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Re: The Goodly Manager

Postby Nightmute » Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:50 pm

A fun write, sir. Alas, not all are meant to lead, I reckon. :)

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