Old Friends Photos on Face book

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Tom Balch
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Old Friends Photos on Face book

Postby Tom Balch » Fri Jul 31, 2015 7:38 pm

Plumper aged faces
thinning hair, colour gone,
now grey and sparse,

familiar smiles
in unfamiliar surroundings,
this is them now
a now I do not know,

but in those days of youth
when we...well, when we;

They all have families now
most have grandchildren,
it´s all so far away
from what we were then.

Each of us have gone our own way,
each of us have lived our own different lives
and each of us can go back to then in an instance
on seeing faces long/not forgotten from the past,

faces that were our past,
our past that we will always treasure
and how wonderful it is
to revisit those times and be hit
by that blast from the past.

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Re: Old Friends Photos on Face book

Postby Cindy » Sat Aug 01, 2015 1:58 am

A lovely poem that I am sure many can relate to. It's sometimes surreal to see old friends as they are now. Even some that aren't necessarily friends. On the news one night, I saw a picture of some man and they referred to him as a dangerous felon. He had been arrested again the night before. It slowly dawned on me who he was. He was my friend's little brother when I was in high school! Shock. I had the worst time trying to put the two together as one and the same person. He was a little boy then, but I know it was him. How some people change.

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Re: Old Friends Photos on Face book

Postby Stella » Sat Aug 01, 2015 12:30 pm

I am laughing here Tom, the picture i have of me on FB is when i was a child so no-one would recognize it anyway.
it is good though to be able to type in a name from the past and see how that person's life has panned out, and it does bring back memories, especially the school groups where there are old school photographs and the faces of people we had forgotten about and teachers too.

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Sandra Martyres
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Re: Old Friends Photos on Face book

Postby Sandra Martyres » Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:47 am

How true Tom, I too am often surprised by the impact that age and experiences have had on some of my friends' faces! A well written piem as usual.

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Fay Slimm
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Re: Old Friends Photos on Face book

Postby Fay Slimm » Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:21 pm

A blast from the past as your verse reminds can sometimes be surprising in both ways Tom - I went to a reunion of my final year's class after a couple of decades and wondered how a a few had kept looking so much like the school photograph we all had taken as students - - yet others had dwindled to ghosts of their former selves - - - strange how life's challenges affect each one differently . Good read Tom.

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