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A harbor of love.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 5:19 am
by drllrd74
In the harbor of your love,
there is contentment;
shelter from the open sea,
safety from the blowing winds,
that be obstacles to me.

In this cove I find my peace,
quiet from a troubled world;
solace of an unexpected kind,
a place that I can meditate,
to a spot known only in my mind.

Aboard a ship that gently rocks,
lulling me to a quiet sleep;
here I can dream of only you,
relishing the fondest memories,
of love, refreshing and so true.

In the darkness of the night,
there's only brilliant stars;
a painted canvas in its moonless glow,
the artist, in the heavens, lives,
and tells me what I need to know.

The marina's full of nestled boats,
there closeness, like a safety net;
here, I am greatly satisfied with life,
where the hull breaks the waves of joy,
like butter sliced by some great knife.

Re: A harbor of love.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 9:14 am
by Stella
i am almost moved to tears David by this beautiful and peaceful poem. The safeness in the cocoon of the nestled boats is such a lovely place to portray your feelings and in the second reading i felt like whispering so as not to truly touched my heart with this write my friend.

Re: A harbor of love.

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:14 pm
by drllrd74
Thank you both for the kind words.