Knocking and Knackered

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Tom Balch
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Knocking and Knackered

Postby Tom Balch » Tue May 05, 2015 2:28 pm

I´m knocking down the kitchen
It´s coming down today,
I´ve disconnected the electrics
I thought it best to start that way.

I´ve rerouted all the water pipes
taken out the window frame,
I´m full of cuts and bruises
head to toe I´m racked with pain.

I´ve removed all screws and fittings
I´m sure there be no probs,
the roof comes off tomorrow
but me thinks this is a two man job.

I need to raise the floors two feet
so all the bricks I´ll use as rubble,
as long as I stay fit and healthy
I´m sure I´ll have no trouble.

If I was in my early twenties
young and fit and really keen,
this job would be a piece of cake
and not the pain in the bum it´s been.

It really hurts when we get older
to know these days we cannot do
the things we did as youngsters
when stamina was three for two.

When I´ve knocked down the kitchen
there´s still a lot I´ve got to do,
like knocking down the spare room
the bathroom and the loo.

The builders come in six weeks time
to start rebuilding all as new,
I´ve got to concrete all the floors
ready for Antonio and his crew.

It´s not easy working on your own
doing work that´s meant for two,
especially when one´s knocking on
and knocking off's the thing to do.

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Re: Knocking and Knackered

Postby stevenstirk » Tue May 05, 2015 3:56 pm

A serious note within ths comic piece Tom. It sounds
like quite and undertaking that you're going through.
I hope it all works out for you. I was particularly
attracted to the piece of cake in verse five. Take it
slowly mate...

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Re: Knocking and Knackered

Postby Stella » Tue May 05, 2015 4:36 pm

Ooh Tom... this is a big thing you've taken on.. couldn't you just move house ?

Ooo.. i am aching all over just thinking about it, i hope you are getting well spoiled in the tea and cake and sympathy department.. :D

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Fay Slimm
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Re: Knocking and Knackered

Postby Fay Slimm » Tue May 05, 2015 6:15 pm

Those knocking on should be knocking off very often dear Tom - such a potent picture of work needing doing and all power to our elbow my friend.

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Re: Knocking and Knackered

Postby Nightmute » Thu May 07, 2015 8:53 am

I've not the patience for such household jobs, Tom, so must rely upon contractors...which costs more than I would like. Alas, but you are right about getting older, I fear, sir...I just ain't got the juice to keep moving like I used to.

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