Down Memory Lane - A trip in a Mumbai train

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Sandra Martyres
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Down Memory Lane - A trip in a Mumbai train

Postby Sandra Martyres » Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:53 am

This is an old poem reworked. Please excuse the length...
It was a trip down memory lane,
My ride on a Mumbai local train.
I boarded the Ladies Compartment
And without much of an argument,
Landed myself a prized window seat.
This in my younger days, was a feat
Only the fleet-footed and the agile
Could, after much practice, do in style.

They coolly leapt into a moving train,
And for the coveted seats staked their claim.
I watched as the passengers boarded,
Most with household provisions loaded.
Each of them had her seat preference,
The train wore an air of deference.
Some chose to play games on their smart phones,
Others chatted or licked their ice-cream cones.

I’m sure many a train commuter,
Would perhaps ask what I was after.
Why was this an unusual trip?
One that I had not wanted to skip.
Well I was able to unravel and find
What appeals to the Mumbaikar’s * mind
Both entertainment and education
For those who kept eyes and ears open

I feasted on the fun and free advice
They doled out on every possible slice
Of life -hot tips on the stock market;
Free lessons on bringing up children;
How to get them to finish homework;
Easy recipes for teatime snacks;
Home remedies for a cough and colds
I soaked up all that my mind could hold.

On the lighter side I did try to trap,
Every interesting morsel on tap.
All the latest Bollywood gossip -
Those who did and who did not make it
To the Bombay Times Page three columns;
The most watched TV soap operas.
I even ate a slice of home-made cake,
Someone had a birthday to celebrate.

I savoured every moment of the trip,
Making a mental note of each tip,
That could be of use to my family.
Not being a regular, I was free
To choose and even participate
In the animated discussions -
From politics to children’s obsessions
Until I reached my destination.

I returned home late in the evening,
Brimming with a sense of satisfaction,
That I was now far better informed,
Thanks to my travelling companions.

* Mumbaikar - a colloquial word for a person living in Mumbai

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Re: Down Memory Lane - A trip in a Mumbai train

Postby Stella » Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:03 am

This is one of the wonderful things that we forfeit by not using public transport, i noticed this myself Sandra recently when i had to travel everywhere by bus. The journeys also took me back to when people actually had informative conversations about everything from politics to babies.

Your lovely rhyming scheme felt just like a train travelling along in perfect rhythm and flow. :D

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Re: Down Memory Lane - A trip in a Mumbai train

Postby Cindy » Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:38 pm

I love this. I could imagine just such a trip, how interesting it would be.

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Re: Down Memory Lane - A trip in a Mumbai train

Postby SyberRose » Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:33 pm

I loved this unique poem...I used to ride the train to my grandmothers as a young girl...brought back memories of that...I haven't used public transportation in years and years not even planes anymore as I don't like the hassle...thank you for posting...Rose
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Re: Down Memory Lane - A trip in a Mumbai train

Postby Nightmute » Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:04 pm

The almost-hypnotic feel of the train as it travels down the tracks, and the bustle of life that surrounds us as we congregate on our journey. Such interesting topics can be heard, and you convey the wonder of it all beautifully, Sandra.

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Fay Slimm
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Re: Down Memory Lane - A trip in a Mumbai train

Postby Fay Slimm » Mon Jul 06, 2015 7:05 pm

A wonderfully interesting use of rhyme in this informative write dear Sandra - - such a journey would be very enlightening and thank you for sharing those Mumbai observations and with such an engaging flow.

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Re: Down Memory Lane - A trip in a Mumbai train

Postby stevenstirk » Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:31 am

A lovely observational treat, and one which privileges and enhances the journey
of the reader. I would not appreciate such things without you.

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