You Will Remember Me

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You Will Remember Me

Postby Cindy » Tue May 03, 2016 4:35 pm

When you least expect it, I will be there.
In those lazy hours where thoughts wander,
I will find you.
Like a figure through the fog, I will appear.

When you least expect it
There, on the edge of a smile...
There, between the falling tears...
I will come again.

I will be the scent of soft rain.
I will be the haze in your morning eyes.
I will be that shadow on the horizon.
Yes, even in your dreams, I will find you
Time and again.

So easily pushed aside...
So easily brushed away...
Like fallen petals.
But, I will find you again.
Someday, somewhere, at some moment
When you least expect it,

You will remember me.

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Re: You Will Remember Me

Postby Stella » Wed May 04, 2016 8:46 am

A lot of depth here Cindy and conscience will not let go, it will hide its mistakes and then it will be reminded just as you say ..i like this poem , a touch of determination and positive thinking , one of my favourites of yours :)

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Re: You Will Remember Me

Postby Cindy » Wed May 04, 2016 1:07 pm

Thank you, Stella.

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